/** * Implements hook_library_info_alter(). */ function {{ machine_name }}_library_info_alter(&$libraries, $extension) { // Update Farbtastic to version 2.0. if ($extension == 'core' && isset($libraries['jquery.farbtastic'])) { // Verify existing version is older than the one we are updating to. if (version_compare($libraries['jquery.farbtastic']['version'], '2.0', '<')) { // Update the existing Farbtastic to version 2.0. $libraries['jquery.farbtastic']['version'] = '2.0'; // To accurately replace library files, the order of files and the options // of each file have to be retained; e.g., like this: $old_path = 'assets/vendor/farbtastic'; // Since the replaced library files are no longer located in a directory // relative to the original extension, specify an absolute path (relative // to DRUPAL_ROOT / base_path()) to the new location. $new_path = '/' . \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('farbtastic_update') . '/js'; $new_js = []; $replacements = [ $old_path . '/farbtastic.js' => $new_path . '/farbtastic-2.0.js', ]; foreach ($libraries['jquery.farbtastic']['js'] as $source => $options) { if (isset($replacements[$source])) { $new_js[$replacements[$source]] = $options; } else { $new_js[$source] = $options; } } $libraries['jquery.farbtastic']['js'] = $new_js; } } }