## Type hints #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes 🔧 Enforces having `declare(strict_types = 1)` at the top of each PHP file. Allows configuring how many newlines should be between the ``, `array>`). Sniff provides the following settings: * `traversableTypeHints`: helps fixer detect traversable type hints so `\Traversable|int[]` can be converted to `\Traversable`. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DisallowMixedTypeHint Disallows usage of "mixed" type hint in phpDocs. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.LongTypeHints 🔧 Enforces using shorthand scalar typehint variants in phpDocs: `int` instead of `integer` and `bool` instead of `boolean`. This is for consistency with native scalar typehints which also allow shorthand variants only. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.NullTypeHintOnLastPosition 🔧 Enforces `null` type hint on last position in annotations. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.NullableTypeForNullDefaultValue 🔧🚧 Checks whether the nullablity `?` symbol is present before each nullable and optional parameter (which are marked as `= null`): ```php function foo( int $foo = null, // ? missing ?int $bar = null // correct ) { } ``` #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ParameterTypeHint 🔧🚧 * Checks for missing parameter typehints in case they can be declared natively. If the phpDoc contains something that can be written as a native PHP 7.0+ typehint, this sniff reports that. * Checks for useless `@param` annotations. If the native method declaration contains everything and the phpDoc does not add anything useful, it's reported as useless and can optionally be automatically removed with `phpcbf`. * Forces to specify what's in traversable types like `array`, `iterable` and `\Traversable`. Sniff provides the following settings: * `enableObjectTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@param object` into native `object` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 7.2+ * `enableMixedTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@param mixed` into native `mixed` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+ * `enableUnionTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@param string|int` into native `string|int` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+ * `enableIntersectionTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@param Foo&Bar` into native `Foo&Bar` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.1+ * `enableStandaloneNullTrueFalseTypeHints`: enforces to transform `@param true`, `@param false` or `@param null` into native typehints. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.2+ * `traversableTypeHints`: enforces which typehints must have specified contained type. E.g. if you set this to `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection`, then `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection` must always be supplied with the contained type: `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection|Foo[]`. This sniff can cause an error if you're overriding or implementing a parent method which does not have typehints. In such cases add `@phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ParameterTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint` annotation to the method to have this sniff skip it. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ParameterTypeHintSpacing 🔧 * Checks that there's a single space between a typehint and a parameter name: `Foo $foo` * Checks that there's no whitespace between a nullability symbol and a typehint: `?Foo` #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.PropertyTypeHint 🔧🚧 * Checks for missing property typehints in case they can be declared natively. If the phpDoc contains something that can be written as a native PHP 7.4+ typehint, this sniff reports that. * Checks for useless `@var` annotations. If the native method declaration contains everything and the phpDoc does not add anything useful, it's reported as useless and can optionally be automatically removed with `phpcbf`. * Forces to specify what's in traversable types like `array`, `iterable` and `\Traversable`. Sniff provides the following settings: * `enableNativeTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@var int` into native `int` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 7.4+ * `enableMixedTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@var mixed` into native `mixed` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+. It can be enabled only when `enableNativeTypeHint` is enabled too. * `enableUnionTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@var string|int` into native `string|int` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+. It can be enabled only when `enableNativeTypeHint` is enabled too. * `enableIntersectionTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@var Foo&Bar` into native `Foo&Bar` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.1+. It can be enabled only when `enableNativeTypeHint` is enabled too. * `enableStandaloneNullTrueFalseTypeHints`: enforces to transform `@var true`, `@var false` or `@var null` into native typehints. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.2+. It can be enabled only when `enableNativeTypeHint` is enabled too. * `traversableTypeHints`: enforces which typehints must have specified contained type. E.g. if you set this to `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection`, then `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection` must always be supplied with the contained type: `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection|Foo[]`. This sniff can cause an error if you're overriding parent property which does not have typehints. In such cases add `@phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.PropertyTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint` annotation to the property to have this sniff skip it. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ReturnTypeHint 🔧🚧 * Checks for missing return typehints in case they can be declared natively. If the phpDoc contains something that can be written as a native PHP 7.0+ typehint, this sniff reports that. * Checks for useless `@return` annotations. If the native method declaration contains everything and the phpDoc does not add anything useful, it's reported as useless and can optionally be automatically removed with `phpcbf`. * Forces to specify what's in traversable types like `array`, `iterable` and `\Traversable`. Sniff provides the following settings: * `enableObjectTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@return object` into native `object` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 7.2+ * `enableStaticTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@return static` into native `static` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+ * `enableMixedTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@return mixed` into native `mixed` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+ * `enableUnionTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@return string|int` into native `string|int` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.0+. * `enableIntersectionTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@return Foo&Bar` into native `Foo&Bar` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.1+. * `enableNeverTypeHint`: enforces to transform `@return never` into native `never` typehint. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.1+. * `enableStandaloneNullTrueFalseTypeHints`: enforces to transform `@return true`, `@return false` or `@return null` into native typehints. It's on by default if you're on PHP 8.2+. * `traversableTypeHints`: enforces which typehints must have specified contained type. E.g. if you set this to `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection`, then `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection` must always be supplied with the contained type: `\Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection|Foo[]`. This sniff can cause an error if you're overriding or implementing a parent method which does not have typehints. In such cases add `@phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ReturnTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint` annotation to the method to have this sniff skip it. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ReturnTypeHintSpacing 🔧 Enforces consistent formatting of return typehints, like this: ```php function foo(): ?int ``` Sniff provides the following settings: * `spacesCountBeforeColon`: the number of spaces expected between closing brace and colon. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.UnionTypeHintFormat 🔧 Checks format of union type hints. Sniff provides the following settings: * `enable`: either to enable or not this sniff. By default, it is enabled for PHP versions 8.0 or higher. * `withSpaces`: `yes` requires spaces around `|`, `no` requires no space around `|`. None is set by default so both are enabled. * `shortNullable`: `yes` requires usage of `?` for nullable type hint, `no` disallows it. None is set by default so both are enabled. * `nullPosition`: `first` requires `null` on first position in the type hint, `last` requires last position. None is set by default so `null` can be everywhere. #### SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.UselessConstantTypeHint 🔧 Reports useless `@var` annotation (or whole documentation comment) for constants because the type of constant is always clear.