This is a fork of `xml` that supports usage in browsers, without the need for a module loader/bundler that supports shimming built-in Node.js modules.
This is made possible by listing [`stream`]( as a dependency in the package manifest. Since Node.js [prioritizes its own built-in modules]( over third-party modules of the same name, Node.js continues to use the built-in implementation, while a browser context also gets the `stream` module that it needs.
# xml
> Fast and simple Javascript-based XML generator/builder for Node projects.
## Install
`npm install @kyleshockey/xml`
## API
### `xml(xmlObject, options)`
Returns a `XML` string.
var xml = require('xml');
var xmlString = xml(xmlObject, options);
#### `xmlObject`
`xmlObject` is a normal JavaScript Object/JSON object that defines the data for the XML string.
Keys will become tag names.
Values can be an `array of xmlObjects` or a value such as a `string` or `number`.
xml({a: 1}) === '1'
xml({nested: [{ keys: [{ fun: 'hi' }]}]}) === 'hi'
There are two special keys:
Set attributes using a hash of key/value pairs.
xml({a: [{ _attr: { attributes: 'are fun', too: '!' }}, 1]}) === '1'
Value of `_cdata` is wrapped in xml `![CDATA[]]` so the data does not need to be escaped.
xml({a: { _cdata: "i'm not escaped: !"}}) === '!]]>'
Mixed together:
xml({a: { _attr: { attr:'hi'}, _cdata: "I'm not escaped" }}) === ''
#### `options`
`indent` _optional_ **string** What to use as a tab. Defaults to no tabs (compressed).
For example you can use `'\t'` for tab character, or `' '` for two-space tabs.
`stream` Return the result as a `stream`.
**Stream Example**
var elem = xml.element({ _attr: { decade: '80s', locale: 'US'} });
var stream = xml({ toys: elem }, { stream: true });
stream.on('data', function (chunk) {console.log("data:", chunk)});
elem.push({ toy: 'Transformers' });
elem.push({ toy: 'GI Joe' });
elem.push({ toy: [{name:'He-man'}] });
data: Transformers
data: GI Joe
`Declaration` _optional_ Add default xml declaration as first node.
_options_ are:
* encoding: 'value'
* standalone: 'value'
**Declaration Example**
xml([ { a: 'test' }], { declaration: true })
//result: 'test'
xml([ { a: 'test' }], { declaration: { standalone: 'yes', encoding: 'UTF-16' }})
//result: 'test'
## Examples
**Simple Example**
var example1 = [ { url: '' } ];
**Example with attributes**
var example2 = [ { url: { _attr: { hostname: '', path: '/search?aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=opower' } } } ];
**Example with array of same-named elements and nice formatting**
var example3 = [ { toys: [ { toy: 'Transformers' } , { toy: 'GI Joe' }, { toy: 'He-man' } ] } ];
//result: TransformersGI JoeHe-man
console.log(XML(example3, true));
GI Joe
**More complex example**
var example4 = [ { toys: [ { _attr: { decade: '80s', locale: 'US'} }, { toy: 'Transformers' } , { toy: 'GI Joe' }, { toy: 'He-man' } ] } ];
console.log(XML(example4, true));
GI Joe
**Even more complex example**
var example5 = [ { toys: [ { _attr: { decade: '80s', locale: 'US'} }, { toy: 'Transformers' } , { toy: [ { _attr: { knowing: 'half the battle' } }, 'GI Joe'] }, { toy: [ { name: 'He-man' }, { description: { _cdata: 'Master of the Universe!'} } ] } ] } ];
console.log(XML(example5, true));
GI Joe
Master of the Universe!]]>
## Tests
Tests included use [AVA]( Use `npm test` to run the tests.
$ npm test
## Examples
There are examples in the examples directory.
# Contributing
Contributions to the project are welcome. Feel free to fork and improve. I accept pull requests when tests are included.