
module.exports = Paginator;

Paginator constructor

per_page is the number of results per page, length is the number of pages to display. They default to 25 and 10 respectively.

function Paginator(per_page, length) {

You really should be calling this with new Paginator, but WHATEVER.

  if (!(this instanceof Paginator)) {
    return new Paginator(per_page, length);

Woo, defaults!

  this.per_page = per_page || 25;
  this.length = length || 10;

Build an object with all the necessary information for outputting pagination controls.

(new Pagianator(, 2) = function(total_results, current_page) {

We want the number of pages, rounded up to the nearest page.

  var total_pages = Math.ceil(total_results / this.per_page);

Obviously we can't be on a negative or 0 page.

  if (current_page < 1) { current_page = 1; }

If the user has done something like /page/99999 we want to clamp that back down.

  if (current_page > total_pages) { current_page = total_pages; }

This is the first page to be displayed as a numbered link.

  var first_page = Math.max(1, current_page - Math.floor(this.length / 2));

And here's the last page to be displayed specifically.

  var last_page = Math.min(total_pages, current_page + Math.floor(this.length / 2));

This is triggered if we're at or near one of the extremes; we won't have enough page links. We need to adjust our bounds accordingly.

  if (last_page - first_page + 1 < this.length) {
    if (current_page < (total_pages / 2)) {
      last_page = Math.min(total_pages, last_page + (this.length - (last_page - first_page)));
    } else {
      first_page = Math.max(1, first_page - (this.length - (last_page - first_page)));

This can be triggered if the user wants an odd number of pages.

  if (last_page - first_page + 1 > this.length) {

We want to move towards whatever extreme we're closest to at the time.

    if (current_page > (total_pages / 2)) {
    } else {

First result on the page. This, along with the field below, can be used to do "showing x to y of z results" style things.

  var first_result = this.per_page * (current_page - 1);
  if (first_result < 0) { first_result = 0; }

Last result on the page.

  var last_result = (this.per_page * current_page) - 1;
  if (last_result < 0) { last_result = 0; }
  if (last_result > Math.max(total_results - 1, 0)) { last_result = Math.max(total_results - 1, 0); }


  return {
    total_pages: total_pages,
    pages: Math.min(last_page - first_page + 1, total_pages),
    current_page: current_page,
    first_page: first_page,
    last_page: last_page,
    previous_page: current_page - 1,
    next_page: current_page + 1,
    has_previous_page: current_page > 1,
    has_next_page: current_page < total_pages,
    total_results: total_results,
    results: Math.min(last_result - first_result + 1, total_results),
    first_result: first_result,
    last_result: last_result,