# Changelog ## HEAD ## 4.0.2 - Update peer dependencies for React 17 (#127) - Changed cursor in dialogStyle to `auto` (#124) - Improve Documentation (#104) ## 4.0.1 - Move `componentWillMount` content to `constructor` to avoid deprecation message. - Update `@babel/preset-env` to `v7.15.0` to remove `browserslist` update message. - Update `focus-trap-react` package to `v8.1.0`. ## 4.0.0 - Update focus-trap (via focus-trap-react), which now includes better handling for nested focus traps (including nested modals). - Fix bug causing underlay click not to exit when clicked if `scrollDisabled` is set to `false`. - Allow `escapeExits` prop to be toggled while the component is mounted (i.e. without unmounting & remounting). ## 3.1.0 - `onExit` now receives the event that triggered it as its only argument, should you need to stop the event's propagation or treat it differently. ## 3.0.1 - Fix bug causing click on the scrollbar (visible because the modal vertically overflows the viewport) to close the modal. ## 3.0.0 - Update focus-trap (via focus-trap-react), which includes a couple of behavior changes. **Probably this should not change behavior for your use case.** The key change is that focus management has been adjusted so that you can include tricky focusable elements like radio groups, iframes, and shadow DOM components within your modal — as long as the first and last focusable elements in the modal can still be detected by [Tabbable](https://github.com/davidtheclark/tabbable). - An effect of this change is that positive tabindexes within the modal *might* no longer work as expected. You should avoid positive tabindexes. ## 2.12.3 - Use `onMouseDown` instead of `onClick` to detect a tap on the underlay, which by default closes the modal. This fixes a bug where the modal would close if you click inside it then drag outside before releasing the mouse key. ## 2.12.2 - Fix bug causing Escape to break the focus trap, without closing the modal, when you use `escapeExits={false}`. ## 2.12.1 - Fix bug that was blocking changes to the `scrollDisabled` prop *while the modal is open*. ## 2.12.0 - Add `focusTrapOptions` prop to pass options to the focus trap. ## 2.11.1 - Update `focus-trap-react` and `react-displace` to allow React 16 installation. ## 2.11.0 - Add `scrollDisabled` prop (default `true`), for edge cases when the document's scroll should not be disabled. ## 2.10.0 - Add support for React 16. ## 2.9.0 - Add `underlayProps` prop to pass additional attributes to the underlay container. ## 2.8.0 - [Non-breaking change] `onExit` is now optional. If omitted, clicking outside the modal or hitting escape will not attempt to call `onExit`. ## 2.7.2 - [Fix] `focusDialog` will work even if you provide a non-default `dialogId`. ## 2.7.1 - [Fix] Prevent `props.onExit` from being called twice when modal includes exit buttons. ## 2.7.0 - Add `focusTrapPaused` prop. - Fix `renderTo` displacement when rendering to a specified element. - Resolve React 15.6.1 warnings. ## 2.6.0 - Add `includeDefaultStyles` prop. - Add `dialogStyle` props. ## 2.5.2 - Fix `main` path in `package.json`. ## 2.5.1 - Introduce `dist/react-aria-modal.js`, where `src/` now compiles to, since React 15.5+ demands `class`es, so Babel-compilation. Which is actually a huge overhaul, though in semver it's just a patch. ## 2.5.0 - Add `renderTo` static method. - Add `underlayStyle` prop. ## 2.4.0 - Add `getApplicationNode` prop. - Upgrade `no-scroll` and `focus-trap-react` dependencies. ## 2.3.1 - Allow React 15 as peer dependency. ## 2.3.0 - Upgrade `focus-trap-react` to add `escapeExits` prop. ## 2.2.3 - Add forsaken `bind()`. ## 2.2.2 - Move `react` to `peerDependencies`; remove `react-dom` as dependency. ## 2.2.1 - Fix `this` bug. ## 2.2.0 - Add `applicationNode` prop. ## 2.1.0 - Allow React element `context` to be passed to modal contents (via upgrade of `react-displace`). ## 2.0.2 - Upgrade `react-displace`. ## 2.0.1 - Change vertical centering method to avoid occasional blurriness caused by translate. ## 2.0.0 - Upgrade to react 0.14 and its companion react-dom. - Upgrade react-displace and focus-trap-react to their React 0.14 versions. ## 1.1.0 - Add `dialogId` and `dialogClass` props. ## 1.0.4 - Add `max-width: 100%` to dialog element. ## 1.0.3 - Move `noScroll.off()` to `componentWillUnmount()`. ## 1.0.2 - `focusDialog` does not put dialog in tab order. - Fix typo in error message. ## 1.0.1 - Upgrade `no-scroll`. ## 1.0.0 - Add `onEnter` prop. - Change `active` prop to `mounted`. - Use `react-displace`. ## 0.1.1 - Fix `cursor: pointer;` bug. ## 0.1.0 - Initial release.