## 2.1.3 (08/08/2017) - Fix display of objects with empty keys ## 2.1.3 (07/23/2017) - v2.1.2 was incorrectly published and did not contain the new changes. v2.1.3 contains #38 ## 2.1.2 (07/23/2017) - [#38](https://github.com/xyc/react-inspector/issues/38) Add `HTML_TAGNAME_TEXT_TRANSFORM` theme property ( @CodyReichert ) ## 2.1.1 (07/04/2017) - [#38](https://github.com/xyc/react-inspector/issues/35) Fix dimmed object name ( @jasonphillips ) ## 2.1.0 (06/28/2017) - [#33](https://github.com/xyc/react-inspector/issues/33) Add support for CDATA nodes ( thanks @iloahz ) ## 2.0.0 (05/12/2017) - [#25](https://github.com/xyc/react-inspector/issues/25) - **breaking** remove lib and build from source control - new linting - **breaking** updated dependencies ## 1.1.1 (10/28/2016) - #14 ## 1.1.0 (07/14/2016) - Sorting properties support [#12](https://github.com/xyc/react-inspector/issues/12) - Theming Support: supports dark theme - Fix Babel runtime dependency [#14](https://github.com/xyc/react-inspector/issues/14) ## 1.0.0 (03/02/2016) - Breaking change: rename from `react-object-inspector` to `react-inspector` - non-enumerable property support [#8](https://github.com/xyc/react-inspector/issues/8) - Adds `TableInspector` ## 0.2.0 (11/26/2015) - issue #4: inline styles - issue #5: Initial expanded paths ## 0.1.6 (10/26/2015) - Upgrade to React 0.14 ## 0.1.5 (09/10/2015) - Display dates in string form - Resolve issue #6 "undefined" is rendered as Object ## 0.1.0 (08/06/2015) - Initial release.