'a', 'b' => 'b' ), $varQ = 'string', $varR = 123; } // Make sure the determination of whether a property is the first property or not is done correctly. class ClassUsingSimpleTraits { use HelloWorld; /* comment */ public $firstVar = array( 'a', 'b' ); protected $secondVar = true; } class ClassUsingComplexTraits { use A, B { B::smallTalk insteadof A; A::bigTalk insteadof B; } public $firstVar = array( 'a', 'b' ); /* comment */ protected $secondVar = true; } class Foo { private function foo() { } /* no error here because after function */ private $bar = false; } class CommentedOutCodeAtStartOfClass { /** * Description. * * @var bool */ //public $commented_out_property = true; /** * Description. * * @var bool */ public $property = true; } class CommentedOutCodeAtStartOfClassNoBlankLine { // phpcs:disable Stnd.Cat.Sniff -- For reasons. /** * Description. * * @var bool */ public $property = true; } class HasAttributes { /** * Short description of the member variable. * * @var array */ #[ORM\Id]#[ORM\Column("integer")] private $id; /** * Short description of the member variable. * * @var array */ #[ORM\GeneratedValue] #[ORM\Column(ORM\Column::T_INTEGER)] protected $height; #[SingleAttribute] protected $propertySingle; #[FirstAttribute] #[SecondAttribute] protected $propertyDouble; #[ThirdAttribute] protected $propertyWithoutSpacing; } enum SomeEnum { // Enum cannot have properties case ONE = 'one'; }